What is Scrutiny and why does my crew need to complete it?
A scrutiny check or “Scrut check” as it’s commonly known in Rovers is a vehicle check by a qualified CAMS scrutineer to ensure that the vehicle is safe and complies with all regulations both CAMS and RSM. You will be required to have your car complete scrutiny before competing at every event; in addition the RSM regulations require every competing car to complete a yearly pre-scrutiny before the second round of the season. If you have had an accident at an event you will be required to have the car complete another scrutiny prior to completing another track, this may be at the same event the accident occurred or prior to the next event the car will compete in.
RSM holds at minimum two pre-scrutiny days each year. You can contact the RSM chief scrutineer to find out when the next pre scrutiny day is.
Wanting to build a race car and wondering what’s involved and what regulations need to be followed?
RSM Standing Regulations (for Khanacross and Motorkhana)
This should be your first port of call; the club has developed a set of regulations based on the CAMS Auto Test requirements, vehicle specifications from the CAMS Manual and the CAMS National Competition Rules (NRC). This document is your guide to making sure you build a safe and compliant car. A link to each reference point found in the standing regulations can be found below. Although the majority of requirements link back directly to the CAMS regulations there are some additional higher safety requirements that the club has included in the RSM Standing Regulations. Remember, the higher requirements are for your safety.
CAMS Regulations
In order to be safe and covered by cams insurance all cars have to be built to CAMS regulations all schedules are available on https://www.cams.com.au/motor-sport/regulations/cams-manual/general-requirements.
The regulations are broken up into schedules. These schedules include general regulations, clothing and helmet regulations, fire extinguisher regulations, roll cage regulations and much more. These schedules have all the information you require to ensure your car is running to safe and up to date regulations.
For any question please contact:
Ben Sharp
RSM Chief Scrutineer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Helpful links:
RMS Standing Regulations – Link to PDF
CAMS Manual – Auto Test - https://www.cams.com.au/motor-sport/regulations/cams-manual/auto-test
General Requirements - https://www.cams.com.au/motor-sport/regulations/cams-manual/general-requirements
National Competition Rules - https://www.cams.com.au/motor-sport/regulations/cams-manual/ncr