Rover Scout Motorsport

RSM Driver Development Programs and Motor Sport Passenger Ride Days (MSPRDA/Hotlaps)

RSM understands the importance of providing opportunities to our future racing rovers. Through events like VG and Mudbash youth members aged from 12 and up can experience what it’s like to be in a competition race car through Hot Laps. A course is marked out for an experienced racer to take a younger scout for a ride in the cars built by rovers and ex rovers that are raced throughout the year. The fun isn’t just for the kids; we encourage parents and leaders to jump in and experience the fun of racing.

Once they have experienced the adrenaline the youth won’t want to stop, they can take it to the next step by participating in a Young Driver Development Program at Mudbash (when running) or at Top Gear Scout allowing our youth members to get behind the wheel and learn how to drive a car and much more.

If you would like hot laps to be run at your event please complete the Passenger Day Ride application form below and submit it to the RSM Committee.

If you would like more information on participating in the JDP program at Mudbash please head to the Mudbash website: