The criteria is loose so that we can capture as many outstanding Events and Rovers as possible. This is a peer nominated award, Rovers can only be nominated by other Rovers. There is the State Commissioner Rovers Award for other people to nominate Rovers.
The Rover Section already has an award for those Rovers who provide outstanding service to the Rover Section over a sustained period of time, but there was nothing to commend those Rovers who put in phenomenal effort for one huge event, or who are not involved necessarily on committees outside their local group, which is why this award has been created.
If you would like to nominate one of your fellow Rovers please send me an outline of what they have done, why you think it is an outstanding contribution and how Scouting or Rovering benefited from this persons actions.
The award closes on June 30th each year and will be announced on World Scout Day - 1st August. There will be a presentation at Rover Dinner in October each year.
If you would like to nominate a fellow Rover please your nomination the VRC Chair by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post your nomination to: Victorian Rover Council Chair, 152 Forster Rd, Mount Waverley, Vic, 3149.